Parachute Template

Parachute Template
Parachute stencil
Parachute construction template
Parachute template
Parachute template
Parachute Template
Parachute stencil
Parachute construction template
Parachute template
Parachute template

Parachute Template

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If you don’t have a parachute project you’re really missing something. It is a fantastic way to introduce variables, graphing, kinematics, energy, energy conservation and as always dimensional analysis. To get an idea please see the Nerds, Inc. “Winter Rocket Project” on this website.

Students can rapidly create custom parachutes.  How useful is it? I taught Physics , Astronomy and Physical Science for almost 30 years. The first parachute template was created approximately 25 years ago.  The template was so popular that it had to have its use scheduled because other science teachers wanted to use it.

This parachute template has all of the equations necessary for students to learn about parachutes and parachute efficiency, and will help your students to create custom parachutes and then quantify their research. You may ask, “why would students want to quantify their research?” This helps them see how to make their parachutes fly better. The answer to this question shows the beauty of process science. By quantifying their research, math becomes the student’s friend."

One of the great things is the parachute template is useful all year long because it can be hung on the wall as a great, colorful, large poster.

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